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Jasper Fforde Homepage - Fforde Ffiesta Homepage
Tickets - Shop - Feedback - 2010 Report - Location - Legion of the Danvers - Events - History 

Please note that these pages are maintained by the Ffiesta Fforganisers - please address any queries to the Ffiesta on ffiesta(at)terrascope.co.uk

The Legion of the Danvers

"We are Danvers, we are clones
we shall never be alone"

The Fforde Ffiesta 2010 saw the creation of the first Legion of the Danvers. This is our attempt to recreate the feel of the bookworld by overpopulating the event with Danverclones.

Anyone attending the Ffiesta is encouraged to bring along their own black dress, grey wig, and sunglasses and become a Danverclone.

At the specified time the clones gather on the parade ground and are put through their paces by Colonel Danvers and General Danvers.


Each year we hope to set a new record for the most Danverclones ever recorded in single location
In 2010 we had 23 clones
With your help we can do even better next year!

Witness the first legion of the Danvers with this YouTube video