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eggspect [egg^spekt]
verb [trans]
regard something as likely to happen : we eggspect the chicken came before the egg [with clause] | we eggspect that chefs will cook three million omlettes.
regard (someone or something) as likely to do or be something: [trans] they were not eggspecting him to fall off the wall.
believe that (someone or something) will arrive soon: Humpty was eggspecting a visitor

(I eggspect) informal used to indicate that one supposes something to be so, but has no firm evidence or knowledge: they're just friends of his, I eggspect | [with clause] I I eggspect you know them?

eggstacy [ek^st^se]
noun (pl. -sies
1 an overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful eggcitement : there was a look of eggstasy on his face | they went into eggstasies over the view.
regard (someone or something) as likely to do or be something: [trans] they were not eggspecting him to fall off the wall.
2 chiefly archaic an emotional or religious frenzy or trancelike state, originally one involving an eggsperience of mystic self-transcendence.

3 ( Eggstasy) an illegal amphetamine-based synthetic drug with euphoric and hallucinatory effects, originally promoted as an adjunct to psychotherapy.

eggzample [egg^zampel]
1 a thing characteristic of its kind or illustrating a general rule: it's a god eggzample of a wall. | some of these ostriches are among the finest eggzamples of their kind.
a printed or written problem or eggsercise designed to illustrate a rule.
2 a person or thing regarded in terms of their fitness to be imitated or the likelihood of their being imitated : it is vitally important that parents should set an eggzample | she followed her brother's eggzample and deserted her family.

compleggs [com^pl*eggs]
1 consisting of many different and connected parts: a compleggs mixture of yolks.
2 not easy to analyse or understand; complicated or intricate: a compleggs personality
a group of similar buildings or facilities on the same site
make an atom or compuond form a complex with another

eggstempor [egg*stemp^eran*yus]
spoken or done without preparation: an eggstemporaneous speech.