Eggy Egg Recipes

Fried Eggs

Serves: 1


1 free range happy egg
3 tbsp oil of choice (olive, vegetable, crude)
Buttered TOAST (see Toast Marketing Board)
Grilled bacon or dried crocodile strips (optional)

1. Place 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil or 25g (1oz) of butter with one tablespoon of vegetable oil in a small frying pan and place over a medium heat.

2. When the oil is hot, use a knife to crack the shell and tip the egg, straight into the hot fat. Cook over a low to medium heat for 1 minute or until the white is set.

3. Tilt the pan slightly and use a teaspoon to scoop the surplus hot oil/fat over the top of the egg until the yolk is cooked to your liking.

4. For over easy eggs, carefully slide a spatula underneath the cooked egg and flip over to cook the yolk for 1 minute.

5. Once cooked, lift the egg from the pan using a spatula and place onto kitchen paper to drain excess fat.
Serve with a slice of buttered TOAST or rashers of grilled bacon and tomatoes.

Cooking Tip
To prevent the egg sticking to the pan during frying, sprinkle a little salt on the hot butter or oil before adding the egg to the pan.

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