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Dorian Grey
Just one of the many sites allegedly used by Dorian Gray

Reading Location Tour 16: Dorian Gray's Salesrooms (site of)

Although only fleetingly seen in Reading, debonair dandy and man-about-town Dorian Gray has been known on occasion to run a used car showroom, something that seems at odds with his cultivated manners, high breeding and spookily youthful good looks.

This site in Charvil was known to have been used by Gray in 2000 for perhaps less than six weeks. Neighbours report that the cars were all old seventies types, and no-one can recall seeing a single customer, until revealingly the day before Gray departed.

Although Dorian's whereabouts are unknown at present, an ongoing Nursery Crime Division investigation regarding the illegal trafficking of souls seems to have kept him at a low key in Reading society, where he was, at his height, one of the most sought-after guests.

We would like to point out the the Charvil Car Centre pictured here is in no way associated with Dorian Gray, and cars may be purchased here without risk.

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