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Number 368: An Adjectivore
An Adjectivore
Common Adjectivore Adjectivorus Vulgaris Male pictured; about 3' high. Covered in patchy tufts of grey matted fur. Large bat-like wings that when folded sit untidily across the back of its body. Face like a fox, sad brown eyes and a long thin beak that it uses to feed on adjectives.

A quiet and doleful creature, they will tend to sigh a lot and say things like: 'Well, there it is, I suppose' but make a startled cry like 'Gawk!' when surprised. Extremely dangerous and a prodigious consumer of adjectives, this grammasite must be destroyed without mercy.

They travel from book to book by seeping through the covers using a process called 'oozemosis', hence the reason individual bookshelves in the Great Library are never more than six foot long.

They tend to nest deep in the backstory where they are hard to find and raise two young every fortieth reading.
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