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Someone who thinks of an interesting but unrealted comment to inject, but doesn't because they are too shy to do so is an introblert. Egon isn't a lert, but just rather extroblerted.
Attempts to convert covered covered coblerter into uncovered covert coblerter.
Wonders if we have any introblerters left, or whether they have all been tempted out by promises of free chocolate, pies and the occasional Australian beer.
The moorhens were evacuated after the last specified chocolate was consumed in 1984. Any birds in the cellar are explicitly and specifically not moorhens.
In the back of their minds they'd know that the fewer the drinkers, the more alcohol to go round: an inverse proportion scenario.
Try using something neutral, like marzipan, as the example to avoid SSS (spontaneous salivation side-effect) and see if that works; eg, 'fewer almonds, less marzipan, no retching'.
(Using 'his' and 'Geg' to refer to the same person may also be an anatomical inverse proportion scenario if my memory of a previous post is correct.)