And the prize for most incomprehensible job ad goes to ...
Posted by:
Jazz_Sue (
Date: February 28, 2009 10:42PM
Recently joined the dollar-a-day crowd at because there is, occasionally, a real gem of an offer there. Most of them, though, read like this one (posted to my in box today, with the accompanying message "Jobs that match your profile"):
"Dear all Captcha Team & Indiv.
Now market coming maximum captcha cheater person so als carefully all captcha worker.
we don't like down captcha business any how but if you doing cheating so how running business other captcha team.
Pls understand all team need money for his wife, son, old father & mother eating money.
Pls understand all captcha team very poor business person.
Pls mind if you eat hardworking money so you easily received bad son.
Your wife mind also bad
Youf family mind also bad
Bad money not good for all family.
Pls try Halal Money.
Halal Money also good.
We need all captcha team help solve this cheating problem & we need business longtime for good relation.
We still see some project main buyer paid clear but local buyer need cheating money. So pls See all of direct captcha buyer & pls understand if your mind good so why no received direct worker your money. Pls checking some otherway.
getafreelancer: Pls don't suspended this project Pls understand our problem.
Report violation
Job Type:
* Data Entry
* Data Processing
Database: (None)
Operating system: (None)
Bid count: 10
Average bid: $ 36"
Oh boy, the professionalism of these on line freelance writing agencies just blow me away. So far, this gets my prize for incomprehensibility.
Unless, of course, you know different.