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Oh, the Saturday Morning Watchmen? I thought it was very funny. I don't see why die-hard Alan Moore / Watchmen fans would be offended; the fellow who created it is obviously very well versed in the mythos of Watchmen, or else he wouldn't have been able to get those subtle jokes in and play them so well. The scary thing is, at an earlier time (as in, the eighties), that's probably something that would really have happened. I mean, Rambo got his own cartoon. Good thing the movie took as long as it did coming.
As for the movie itself, I liked it a lot. The opening sequence was art in its truest form.
Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die. -Mel Brooks
However, I believe that Alan Moore is on record as hating it, everything to do with it, anything to do with making movies out of any of his stories (except the cash?) and all things not 100% as he did the originals, so I suspect that a a good belly-laugh would not be his immediate reaction to the 'toon................
My computer beat me at chess, but I won at kickboxing