Posted by:
all-american-cutie (
Hi everyone...lots of new faces, a few old ones too!
Some of you may remember me as the crazy American chick, Twila, who runs the Ffan Club site. (The sadly neglected site, at that) And actually, that's why I'm here today.
I just have not had time in the last couple of years to give the Ffan club the attention it deserves. Not due to anything other than Real Life (tm) taking over and demanding all of my time. Family demands along with trying to get my portrait studio business off the ground have sapped all my time and energy.
So, I was wondering if anyone here would be interested in taking over the Ffan club site and give it the love and affection I wish I had time to bestow upon it. With "Shades of Grey" about to hit the shelves, I think it's important to get someone in with the enthusiasm to take the ball and run with it!
Please contact me here or through the Ffan club site - don't want to post my email in an open forum in case the spam bots manage to sneak in!
Thanks everyone! Can't wait to read "Shades of Grey"!!!
Twila Davis Reed