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Jasmin (sings) : "I'm leaning on a lamp stall at the corner of the street in case a certain little 'ladin passes by, oh me, oh my, in case a certain little 'ladin passes by"
Enter cyberman/bunny from above.
Cyberman/bunny: "I've got a complaint about the lamp I bought last week"
Jasmin "Sighs"
Cyberman/bunny: "I asked for an outfit that was out of this world, and look what I got"
Expounds: "'ello 'ello 'ello. what do you call a blond policeman?"
Adjusts crotch of tights, descends through trapdoor, opens centerfold from "The Magic Book of Haberdashery, Topiary and Vector Calculus," readjusts tight crotch. Apologises. Opens pack of sesame crackers, cracks can of stumpy cider, lights organic cigar. Coughs, extinguishes cigar, repositions trampoline marked, "Property of cowardly Lion." Looks around for applause. Not a sausage. Replaces kneecaps on knees, resumes study of script.
<considers having a quiet word with props dept, but gets side tracked by trying to find out how a turbine made almost entirely from tumbleweeds seems to be actually able to work>
We need letters on each door, too. Perhaps an "S" for Staff, Scenery Manager, Senior Actor, Secondary Actors, Supplementary Actors, Safety Officer, Students, and of course, Sundry.
Back in a mo. Just looking for the Stationary room.
I'll draw an "S" on the Stationary room, in purple crayon. Hope that helps you find the right room, MistyCat. Huh. If I'm invisible, are my crayons? Cool! They are!
<off to draw all over the stage, hoping the Ball room doesn't smudge anything>
Thanks, VM and CR. Using the handlebar moustache and the bicycle from the Stationary room (marked with the purple "S") I managed to catch up to the rolling ball-mounted Stationery room (marked with an Invisible "S") to get some fresh Script Sheets.
<Finds place in script, returns to Stage.
Has forgotten glasses.
Guesses line.
Calls, "A blond policeman is a Light-haired Lawman!"
Waits for applause.
Snarler shortage continues.>