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Again: "Would you call it Art?", taken literally, would be answered No. But generally speaking a certain amount of "artisticity" (if that word exists) may be involved.
8) Used to make other things? No.
7) Used under water? No.
6) Artistic? Depends.
5) Manufactured? Yes.
4) Planet Earth? No.
3) Needs payment? Yes.
2) Edible? No.
1) Material? Yes.
0) Animal, vegetable, or mineral? All.
Parts of it may be re-used to make other things, but that is probably not meant.
<wonders whether SkidMarks is still trying to solve the previous item>
<on second thought, admits that manufactured land-masses do exist>
i was actually thinking of those silly artificial islands that form a map of the world and the palm tree, but as your answer precludes them this is NOT a guess!
Manufactured from animals vegetables and minerals, with a certain amount of artistry but not edible? Paid for by others but not delcuesta? Can only conclude that decaluesta is a taxidermist.