Best books?
Well, there's still a relevent list in my 'Space blog but I'll have to think about if it needs updating...
SkidMarks Wrote:
> I gave up after three, but mrs. SkidMarks (who
> does like the books) has read them all and agrees
> that they are linear. To be fair, I am judging
> them against adult fiction whereas they are
> written as juvenile/YA fiction.
> I would further accept that a lot of my dislike is
> caused by her publishers and (some) fans who don't
> seem to know that many of the elements of the
> stories are not original. This is not JKR's fault,
> but she does seem to attract a lot of it!
Reminds me of the time a young man accused Star Trek of ripping off Star Wars, not realizing just how old the TV show was...
It may be the YA thing that you don't like but I'm just glad there aren't shiny vampires at Hogwarts ;)
FWIW, I like the HP series, mostly because I like its world-
you'll find that's a recurring theme with most of the fiction I read...
Signature or shameless self-promotion?
You decide: