New users: Please register in the usual way and then send an email to jasper(at) with your username, and write something 'Ffordesque' so we know you are a real reader, and not some idiot trying to flood the forum with dodgy Nike and Gucci gear. Thank you - Jasper
Something fishy here...*gasp* THIS THREAD IS A SHOE/TRAINER/UGG/SOMETHING TO DO WITH MICHAEL JOR.......Ohh, sorry, no... yes, no I know I was wrong. Go about your business, nothing shoe related to see here, we're fine. Dr Who chat may continue unabated.
I've not actually watched it. Missing anything, am I?
I thought that Tennant was instructed to look into the distance a lot, not communicate with anybody to inform them of what was happening and then to yell at them for not understanding what he wanted.
The new Doctor at least speaks nicely occasionally, even if his brow reminds me of Hermann Munster.
As for Catheine Tate, all I get when she was on was: "The dirty bastards".
Did anyone happen to record the Doctor Who Prom (Radio3 or BBC3, preferably the extended (Friday) version)?
My attempt to record the latter was thwarted by a powercut, and iplayer will not let me watch anything because I'm in Germany.