Hmmmm, wonder what else the treehouse needs?
Let's see what nested quotes look like around here:
SkidMarks Wrote:
> MistyCat Wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------
> > Anyone heard anything to do with Jasper lately?
> Apparently he has written a book. "Bits of
> Monochrome" or something similar.
Wanted to point out that I found a signed copy of the new Fforde under its American title-
this was while I was at a Chris Moore signing in WA, DC...
A little tip for those who are wondering if a trip to the aforementioned location is worth it:
not unless you can teleport!
The bookstore was fun- as was meeting a new batch of fruitbats- & the food was good
but you don't wanna hear what I think of the traffic & people on a family fforum...
Now back to your regularly scheduled thread-jack, already in progress...
Signature or shameless self-promotion?
You decide: