The fforum had been hacked and malware was implanted. (The page was trying to install a browser-
exploit on the computers of visitors.) Within three days of the infection (at least after I noticed it, but I think I got it on day one), the page was blacklisted on pertinent sites. This was the reason why for example Google blocked all links to the fforum as "malicious". The malware has beeen purged, so it's save again to use the fforum.
If you look at the top of the page, you will see the lines "NEW USERS - TO HELP AVOID THOSE SPAMMERS"
twice. This is the rest of the cleanup effort: the malware has gone, but its disguise - quoting a line that was already there on the page - has remained. At this point, this is harmless.
Lets's hope that the technical admins for the fforum took the necessary precautions to prevent future hacks. Those who are around for a bit longer may remember that already in 2007 there was a hack of the fforum, wich at this time remained undiscovered for several months.