New users: Please register in the usual way and then send an email to jasper(at) with your username, and write something 'Ffordesque' so we know you are a real reader, and not some idiot trying to flood the forum with dodgy Nike and Gucci gear. Thank you - Jasper
Hi, Im new here and I'm a blind person. My wife has read me all the Thursday Next books published so far, but many of my blind friends live alone and rely on audio books for their reading.
Has anybody ever suggested publishing this excellent series in audio format?
If it were to happen, has anybody got any suggestions as to who would be a good narrator? Should the narrator be male of female?
Some of the books are available as audiobooks: Shades of Grey is read by John Lee on an 11 cd unabridged set, for example. Try Amazon.
By the way, the "S" shapes on the pies to indicate which are sweet and which are savoury are raised, but I will consider putting a braille pattern into them if it will help.
I have only actually "read" one of the Thursday books - mostly I listen to them. I have gotten them from Therese somebody reads most of them, but there is a different lady reading Something Rotten, she's almost as good.
I feel like I am missing a few of the jokes since I can't see the words since Jasper puts so much into his words, but I enjoy them very much and have listened to them all several times.
I'm really looking forward to "One of our Thursdays is Missing".
If you are in or near a bigger city, you should try the library. Ours has a whole collections of books on tape. If they don't have the Thursday books, maybe you could put them on a wish list?
Welcome to the group! A word to the wise: be careful of the pies. Lately they've been putting out pizzas with anchovies on them! (Pizza pies)
You are hereby invited. I will send dates in the near future. Surprisingly the anchovies melt, giving a wonderful, salty, non-fishy taste. With a little fresh mint, it makes a refreshing change from rosemary and garlic.
Thought you might be interested is this - taken from the FForde Fiesta 2010 page somewhere on this sight:
We raised over a thousand pounds for the RNIB, which we intend to use for a book to be added to their Talking Books library. It will be recorded in its entirety by one of their professional narrators and have the 'Contributors to the Fforde Ffiesta ' recorded at the start of the book for everyone to hear. So a big hoorah for that.
@ senacherib - laughing at "reading gravel"!! never heard it put quite that way...
and thanks, Skids - I'll have to take your word for the anchovies. They only way I'll ever know if that is true is if someone has used them and not told me. <shudder> they just have a really bad reputation, and I've never liked fish.