New users: Please register in the usual way and then send an email to jasper(at) with your username, and write something 'Ffordesque' so we know you are a real reader, and not some idiot trying to flood the forum with dodgy Nike and Gucci gear. Thank you - Jasper
I'm new too, and I promise not to mention shoes. Except for how I just mentioned them. And how I just alluded to them again. Oh, bother, it is awkward making new acquaintances.
<Sidles over to pie and surreptitiously stuffs face>
It's nice shoes to see some shoes new and interesting arrivals shoes in the fforum. I'm sure that shoes you'll be able to shoes ignore the spam and shoes find lots of shoes entertaining things to shoes discuss.
You've probably shoes already managed shoes to shoes move towards the shoes state of mind shoes where you can proudly shoes stand up and shoes shout, "There's no such thing as...."
Hi Weevil & Llyan! I see that you have already found the pies. If you have lurked you will already know that the sweet are to the left and savoury tot he right, but please be careful as I am investigating the possibility of getting rid of spam and shoes by baking them in pastry, ready for disposal.
Do you think that making them in some way, so that people don't mistake them for edible pies would work?
Welcome Weevil and Llyan! Please pardon the shoes, the maid hasn't been in to put them away. Something about maternity leave.
There are pies and pirates and goodness-knows-what over in the Treehouse. Feel free to stop in (please leave your shoes at the door) and play awhile. The *only* rule there is no speaking (which includes no spamming), so we have a lot of fun.
I think the treehouse thread tripped over some shoes and landed on page 2.
We have also been having fun with a 20 questions game, and the rules change a lot. Makes it more entertaining, I think.
So here is some lemonade to go with whichever pie you wanted. Enjoy!
Welcome! Feel free to start inane threads of nonsense. This is what we do. Hopefully once spam has been stopped/removed/consumed it'll be more obvious what happens here.
<Returns to resurrecting threads buried deep under spam.>
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/17/2010 03:20PM by EgonSpengler.
..and an another newbie on the me...
hello, etc :)
spam spam spam...
ever think of having a captcha on the signup process? or..what we're subjected to at work...reverse captchas...such a joy!! but then, it *is* an anti-spam paranoia is a job requirement...
There is pie everywhere! You might want to gently taste whatever you find, to check the ingredients. You never know what might be in the pie...
You'll get a proper welcome here in a bit from an official welcomer-type person. She or He will give you proper directions and warnings. I'm a newbie too and am mostly only good for confusing things. Glad you found us.
As for spam - our admin has had other duties usurping his time, namely a darling new baby. We've just had fun throwing the spam around until he had time to clear it out.
Violetmoon, as you have admitted that you are mostly good for confusing things, I'd like to formally invite you to join the Super Secret Official Welcomers Club. It is a noble and long standing institution (which I just made up five minutes ago) whose purpose is to make newbies feel completely at home by confusing things utterly. Will you join?
As mentioned before, be gentle with the pies as they've become recalcitrant of late. The Treehouse facilities are all clearly indicated on the Map, which is in the sub-basement of the alternate swimming pool building, cunningly placed in the middle of the Maze, which of course is now behind the disused donut dispensary.
There are plenty of games about to play, half of which I don't understand, and which I had mentally replaced with spam.