Here, have some more.
MartinB said (or perhaps
strongly implied), the spaces are in there so that the control characters (the square brackets)
say rather than
[ b ]bolded text[ /b ]
bolded text
[ i ]italicized text[ /i ]
italicized text
[ i ][ b ]bold italics[ /b ][ /i ]
bold italics
[ u ]underlined text[ /u ]
underlined text
[ s ]strikethrough text[ /s ]
strikethrough text
[ quote ]quoted text[ /quote ]
Quote:quoted text
[ color=red ]Red Text[ /color ]
Red Text
So, should you feel the need for
Quote:quoted bold underlined strikethrough green italic text
(as you do), then you have the power.
Sorry I managed to get only a little bit off topic. That last line is getting fairly close to being an eyeworm.
Don't get too carried away.