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Which reminds me of a favourite political episode. When George "Dubya" Bush was elected, some of the outgoing Clinton staffers amused themselves by removing the W key from the keyboards in the executive offices, hiding them, taping them under chairs, to the ceilings etc. One Bush staffer was lucky enough to get an unaffected keyboard, and was quoted as saying"When I saqw what had happened I said "Wow!". Most of the other guys just said "O"."
Dela, I caught the wink this time. Unless you have something in your eye... in which case I apologize for laughing.
I would be worried that a Little Geg has to wear a uniform, it scarred me for life. I still cannot put together an outfit from the clothes I own, unless someone else bought it for me, except for very infrequent happy accidents when things happen to look good together. No one ever takes me seriously because I look like I picked out my clothes without turning on the lights.
I am curious though, as to how one raises a chair person?
We did some wonderful trials with escalators and lifts - but turns out the wretched child wasn't wearing her badge at the time, so I don't think the results can be counted.
Easiest way seems to be creeping up behind her and shouting "get up" very loudly.
Although creeping up behind her and shouting "go to bed" produces the interesting result of both getting her upstairs and getting her to lie down. I marked this as "mixed" in the results box.
No matter what came before this it must be said that around me I have one chair, and two that could be inflated in the wardrobe. Why they would be inflated in the wardrobe I have no idea.
EgonSpengler Wrote:
> No matter what came before this it must be said
> that around me I have one chair, and two that
> could be inflated in the wardrobe. Why they would
> be inflated in the wardrobe I have no idea.
Both the lion & the witch could sit on inflatable furniture in the wardrobe
I openend the closet door this morning to get a shirt and found an old crone and a big cat in there. So I said "What do you two think you are doing in there?", to which they replied "Narnia business!"