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Negotiations with Mr Dylan's agent were astonishingly brief and a little negative in tone, however I think I may have secured the services of Dylan from he Magic Roundabout. He was, to be fair, a little vague, but I am hopeful.
But why all the misery? In La Belle France they have been eating chevals for decades and the French are not showing any signs of maladjusted behaviour.
Other than the recent discovery of banned tranquilisers (possible a bonus for some?), the horsemeat thingey is fraud rather than Health & Safety. If it says "beef" on the packet it should contain beef.
I have no problems with eating horse and tend to order it for preference when in the right parts of France.
So long as Speckles is safe, I don't think the panto will be affected, though.
This year's panto should be based on a modern fairy story. I propose: '
And they lived happily ever after. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha'
It should contain references to the Olympics, Lance Armstrong and other dopes, with a soucon of "news of the World' thrown in.
Speckles can play the hill in the background, before looming over the pricilpal boy and others, so the audience can shout :'......F'n hell, what's that!!!!'
I can report that earnings from the 2012 panto were far in excess of what we expected, and entirely and utterly coincidentally the holiday in Seattle was lovely.
Another coincidence - I wore my Princess Jasmine costume to the shops on Wednesday and I was offered several martinis, many good times and a holiday in Seattle.
It must be the way the spangles highlight the grey in my beard.
ES - those weren't profits they were prophets and you really shouldn't have left them in Seattle, they cost a fortune to hire and the deposit was outrageous. MC I think it falls on you to save the Panto, don those Jasmine trousers, head off to Seattle and retrieve our prophets.