Hey there.
It's 365 days since an earthquake in my home town of Christchurch New Zealand killed about 170 people. (more or less. They weren't me, why should I bother to be precise.)
I'm old. (I'm 65)
I'm a GUY. (rah rah Rugby, sports, fishing, stiff upper lip, no emotion, nudge nudge, wink wink, manly man stuff.)
I just watched this TV program named Aftershock.
I'm still bawling my eyes out. (Bawling? What kind of word is "bawling?") bawling bawling bawling. I have a sudden overwhelming urge to say "Pshaw!" (I did mention I was old, didn't I?)
I didn't suffer in any of the quakes. (much)
My house is OK. (mostly)
My friends are OK. (Yes, pretty much all of them.)
After 10,000-odd quakes and aftershocks I don't jump or feel startled when we have yet another earth-burp. (Yeah, right.)
Today (it's about 1:00 am Wednesday in New Zealand, so in about 18 hours from now) at 7:30pm on TV3 I'm going to watch the two hour documentary "When a City falls."
I've run out of things to say. I really should edit this stuff, instead of just pouring it out.
Just how does this relate to the books of Jasper fforde?
Next question, please.