Posted by:
OB (
I'll tell you what I hate, what I really really hate and it's Lord of the rotten rings. When it was published in the fifties I read it avidly three or four times.
Going back to it as an old boiler I hate the black and whiteness of it: the great gormless twittiness of Sam Gamgee" Oh,please Mr Frodo sir tear my eyes out and I'll carry you 300 miles over burning coals" ness of him: the absolute heroic wetness of Frodo: the unnecessary war machine produced by the baddy to get a ring which any self respecting baddy could have helped himself to easily; the twee poetry etc,etc.
Also two more rotten books are The Thirty-nine Steps by John Buchan and The Golden Notebook by Doris Lessing. What on earth was THAT all about?