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Posted by: Sarah B (
Date: February 25, 2013 01:42PM
I happened to be trawling the interwebnet, looking for an answer to a question I was pondering, and found a post I'd made here asking the same question about eight years ago.
Ah, recursion!
Anyway, I didn't find the answer to the question but it did remind me that I used to be around here a bit and I haven't in a while. I thought I'd drop in and say hi.
Hi everyone. How are you all? Greetings to those I haven't met before, and a 'hello again and do you remember me?' to those I have. :)
There's a hole in my creativity bucket and it's all leaked out.
Hi Sarah B.
Welcome back.
Pies are available by the teehouse (Just for a change sweet to the right and savoury to the other right.)
I haven't seen the drinks trolley for months and Speckles sat on the Battenburg. It can be found at the Panto thread, the Jasper in the news threads, the Chair Census thread and possibly a few others.
What was the question? If you don't tell us, how can we not answer it again?
Posted by: Sarah B (
Date: February 27, 2013 07:48AM
Much thank yous!
I was never all that fond of the Battenberg anyway, so I'll help myself to pie.
The question was about a scouting song about Ramoth Gilead, it was something my grandfather used to sing and sadly he's no longer with us. I've been unsuccessful in all my attempts to trace its origins, sadly.
So any ideas are gratefully received, though I'm equally happy with pie. :)
There's a hole in my creativity bucket and it's all leaked out.
We no longer have a pointy sticks ban, as some entities have found them useful for poking the pies which have been here for some time, or are marked 'S' for suspicious.
I miss the pointy sticks. They helped with motivation. Now all we have is pie and we've had pie for so long that I can't bear to even look at it any more. Pie fatigue.
CannibalRabbit Wrote:
> Does that make a pasty more or less sandwich-like
> than a pie?
to my eyes, more sandwich-like, but without the purity of either a pie or sandwich.
As the king of foods, pies can be diluted to tarts, flans or pasties.
Sandwiches can aspire to piedom, but like Achilles when chasing Zeno's tortoise, it will never quite get there.
I think the pie/sandwich problem may be solved if we consider a pie as being a wrap-around sandwich.
Or a sandwich as a ringbarked pie
However there are possible limits in the real world as I have yet to eat a rhubarb sandwich, having led a deprived life, and a vegemite pie may be a thing to be feared.