11:35-ish to 9:55-ish (New Zealand time) this trip, 98% of that time spent on Time.
Much more exploring to do.
Those of you not retired and with commitments that prevent you from dedicating a "spur of the moment" 10 hours or so to exploring an XKCD comic may now turn whichever shade of green you feel best represents envy. I'm old and I need these small victories.
I'd like to explain slowly and clearly, without shrieking or firing anything into the air, that I thought 1190 was 1110 [
www.xkcd.com] (Click and Drag), which cost me very large chunks of my online time.
I didn't know about 1190 (Time)
I feel I should confess, rather than just say, that statement. I've followed Randall Munroe and XKCD pretty much as closely as the Trashcan Man followed Randall Flagg, since at least 2007. Anyway, I've been punished by not experiencing The One True Comic in the manner intended by The One True Author. I missed learning expressions such as Present Present, coined when BlitzGirl reached the Present Time and presented her first Boom De Yada to the thread.
Um... Bye for another while.
Edited to indicate just how much longer I've spent on XKCD 1190.
Thanks for setting me on the true path, SkidMarks. (Said in a tone of utmost sincerity without actually making eye contact.)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/14/2013 04:15PM by MistyCat.