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I'd like to buy all the Thursday Next books, but I can't aFforde them.
OB, you said just "Puns," not (what you probably meant, and assumed would go without saying in a collection of intelligent people such as wot we got here.)
Soooo, here's one I read recently.
A pair of crows was sitting on a tree branch, calling out to all other passing crows to join them. They called and called but no other crows took heed, and finally the pair was arrested. What were the charges?
Your clue: they were jeered by a passing exaltation of skylarks.
Second clue (and a dead giveaway.): Google (unquoted) "an exaltation of skylarks crows."
More reading: I did not know that exultation and exaltation were two different words until I misspelled and saw not the red underline of shame.
Edited to add, "Heechee!" "Bless you." to SM.
Pohl was born the same year as my father (but Pohl's still alive (I think)), and I've read just about everything that he and Kornbluth have written. They don't write stuff like that any more. Then again, they (Reynolds, Kage, Banks, Gibson, Niven...)... They get close.
"You kids get off my lawn!"
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/02/2013 12:44PM by MistyCat.
... that a group of crows is called a "murder of crows", and a group of skylarks ( found in ... BC, and on San Juan Island, WA) is called an "exaltation of skylarks".
So, the two crows were attempting to gather enough crows into the group to qualify for the group name of "A Murder of Crows."
Attempting to form a Murder.
Attempted Murder
Oh well, please yourselves, these kids today, what do they teach them in schools today, not to keep of my lawn, that's a fact, it wouldn't have been like this when I was a lad. Uphill both ways, it was, and a foot of snow to boot.
Right off topic I know, but I saw a book with the title 'See Australia and Die" and it contained stories of all kinds of deaths from stingrays to trees falling on you on a calm day.
A good read for anyone contemplating a holiday here.
For the record in 65 years I have met sharks in then water and not been bitten, have swum into the tentacles, or was it eleven tackles, of a jellyfish and only ended up with a numb chest (it was cold water and I think the thing was dead or a reasonable equivalent thereof) and been bitten by a white back spider ( a less poisonous cousin of the redback).
So it is really safer than walking across London through Little Jamaica to Streatham in a fog at night.
Skin Fflints of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your..... oh yeah, you lost them, you lost your shirt too. Skin Fflints of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your dimples.