Quote:"In fiction, the most-read book ever is 'To Kill a Mockingbird.' Not just because it is a cracking good read for us, but because of all the Vertebrate uberclassics it was the only one that really translated well into Arthropod. And if you can crack the Lobster Market -- if you'll pardon the pun -- a billion years from now, you're really going to flog some copies."
Quote:morse code
Posted by: Puck (---.dorm.reed.edu)
Date: October 05, 2006 09:52AM
if you are reading this, i assume you either googled a morse code translator or you have waaay too much free time.
anyways, we were having fun with this on the thursdaynext ffforum, so i thought i'd bring it to nextian chat and spread the joy.
re: morse code
Posted by: Barnadine (---.in-addr.btopenworld.com)
Date: October 05, 2006 10:49AM
spread it, puck. and yes, i did google a translator. wow. the internet goes back to basics. want to use two cans and a strings?
Re: morse code
Posted by: SkidMarks (---.manc.cable.ntl.com)
Date: October 05, 2006 11:36AM
puck, do you know how difficult it is when the word groups dont make sense? what is even worse is that i then tried to find out if it was a furrin language before i read the second part of your message.
And someone please explain seafood.
Re: morse code
Posted by: annie (---.vic.bigpond.net.au)
Date: October 05, 2006 12:00PM
........ ........----..-.-.-.-.-.. \ ' \ ' \ ' \ ' \ '
e \ \t \ \t \ \t \ \ \ \ \ \ -...............
s e ?
<bemused annie looks around and tries to work out why people are tapping away on a single key, while she randomly taps several>
Re: morse code
Posted by: Barnadine (---.in-addr.btopenworld.com)
Date: October 05, 2006 12:15PM
the Morse Code reminded me of the Arthropod language.
It's as the cat said:
Quote:"In fiction, the most-read book ever is 'To Kill a Mockingbird.' Not just because it is a cracking good read for us, but because of all the Vertebrate uberclassics it was the only one that really translated well into Arthropod. And if you can crack the Lobster Market -- if you'll pardon the pun -- a billion years from now, you're really going to flog some copies."
Hence seafood.
Or am I just losing touch with reality (...more than usual...)
Re: morse code
Posted by: SkidMarks (---.manc.cable.ntl.com)
Date: October 05, 2006 12:26PM
brilliant! I will have to go back and re-read LiaGB!
Thanks for the explanation.
Re: morse code
Posted by: MartinB (---.tenet.saix.net)
Date: October 05, 2006 05:49PM
-------- mtchm0 ,ch ch _ _ m , , , , , , , o ,t ,t ,tomm
Re: morse code
Posted by: SkidMarks (---.manc.cable.ntl.com)
Date: October 05, 2006 06:34PM
puck, you are going to have to explain to them in open text.
Re: morse code
Posted by: robcraine (83.218.25.---)
Date: October 05, 2006 11:43PM
nah. let them suffer. or maybe martin and annie are using a code we don't understand.
Re: morse code
Posted by: SkidMarks (---.manc.cable.ntl.com)
Date: October 06, 2006 09:06AM
Re: morse code
Posted by: Puck (---.dorm.reed.edu)
Date: October 06, 2006 07:55PM
sorry about the randomness on the other thread, i was just trying to sow confusion as usual. in case you were wondering, it was actually the first verse of jabberwocky in french.
Re: morse code
Posted by: Zuki-pah (---.nsw.bigpond.net.au)
Date: October 07, 2006 07:06AM
so glad i found a translator. when i was little my grandpa had a dit-dah-dee-dah machine thingy and we used to play with it, but i still can't translate morse code in my head
Re: morse code
Posted by: SkidMarks (---.manc.cable.ntl.com)
Date: October 07, 2006 12:35PM
i know this sounds strange, but i find if i write it in groups of three letters then new line etc. it is easier to read. i also copy it into a bigger bolder font.
Puck, thank you for the explanation. I should have guressed from your other posts, but once again you are too clever for me! walks slowly away. kicks self. Grins
Re: morse code
Posted by: Mrs Next (---.cable.ubr03.brad.blueyonder.co.uk)
Date: October 07, 2006 06:29PM
----.- -.-----..- .-..---- ij9ch -.-----..- .--.-.. i -.-..--. .--..-...--.-- -------.-.-.- ......-.-..-..--.-- ..-.---.-. -..... ..-.-..-.-..-.-.-.-
Hmm, looks different to yours.
Re: morse code
Posted by: Puck (---.wless.reed.edu)
Date: October 07, 2006 09:29PM
Mrs. Next, when I ran yours through the translator I just got "IJ9I". Is that what you wrote? If not, try putting spaces between letters and slashes between words. That seems to be the system that most translation programs use.
Re: morse code
Posted by: SkidMarks (---.manc.cable.ntl.com)
Date: October 08, 2006 02:07AM
Spaces and "/" is international Morse standard unlesss you are using the none-standard code of Martin and Sue in which case forive me for interupting