New users: Please register in the usual way and then send an email to jasper(at) with your username, and write something 'Ffordesque' so we know you are a real reader, and not some idiot trying to flood the forum with dodgy Nike and Gucci gear. Thank you - Jasper
Hi BaldJean. It's kind of quiet around here lately, but if you mosey on over to the Treehouse you'll probably find a slice of cake, a cuppa and a pie.
The pies are marked either "S" for savoury or "S" for sweet, and there's a good selection.
Moseying is somewhat like sauntering, but you have to carry a glass of whiskey at the same time.
Hi baldjean. make yourself at home and remember that this Fforum actively encourages going off-topic (except in the treehouse where speech is a definite no-no.)