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I stand corrected. Indeed, I misquoted an English book title. Please read Eats, Shoots & Leaves.
My knowledge on Australian slang remains limited to what my uncle down under cries into my answering machine when I'm off or asleep. Although it features a bugger I never heard him say anything about roots or leaves. Do enlighten me.
the word 'root' has a conceptual connotation in Australian colloqualisms. It starts with the letter 'f' and rhymes with 'duck'.
It is a source of great amusment whenever an Australia hears an US citizen say 'they root for their team'.
It makes it seem like it will become an Olympic sport, and I for one would watch it, though how it would be scored I leave others to determine. Perhaps like in diving. So much for technical achievement and so much for style, with perhaps a weighting for difficuly.
Eldest little Geg is in a class with somebody with the surname Rodgers. She is utterly bemused by my compulsion to say "really?" everytime she mentions him. The past is indeed like another country - they say things differently there.