The continuing adventures of President Formby
Posted by:
Adrian Lush (212.183.134.---)
Date: January 25, 2009 12:15AM
Well, tonight Mrs Lush and I saw "Ukulelescope", a collection of short silent film clips with comical musical accompaniment from the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain, staged as part of Bristol's big annual Slapstick silent film festival. (Yes, the one run by Paul Merton.)
As we got the tickets down off the noticeboard, my mind went on a magical Proustian journey and I recalled that evening at the Fforde Ffiesta when Jon "SkidMarks" of this parish mentioned to me that he knew one of the Ukulele Orchestra's founder members socially, and wouldn't it be funny if we sent them the last signed framed Formby with an explanatory letter? I'd done nothing of the kind, but here was a chance to deliver President Formby right into their hands.
And so we collared one of the Orchestra at the bar afterwards and presented him with the picture. I couldn't remember which specific member you said you knew, Jon, but the one we approached was Dave Suich. I also couldn't remember your surname, so we had to explain at some length about Jasper and the Ffiesta and the picture, and how "this guy we think you know called Jon" suggested we give the last print to the Orchestra.
(Graeme Garden was also there, in the audience, but we didn't jump him for an autograph. We didn't want to look like a pair of nutters.)
So President Formby now has a new home with the Ukulele Orchestra. I've no idea if/how this might go any further. But it's one more small piece of unfinished business, um, finished.
work is a vampire that sucks me dry
which is a metaphor
but still the reason I stuck a chair leg through my manager