Posted by:
bunyip (
There's another aspect to this. Moist of my family live in western Victoria with a few in Queensland. So some of us are worried about the burnt and the drowned, but life goes on.
Most of those who lost houses in the towns in the fire areas, and still in those areas not yet burnt, live there because they want to. They want the euclypts up to the gutters, the bush to the back door. The Adelaide hills are full of them. The adults can live with their choices, but it's the kids and their pets that concern me.
In the tornado area of the US they have cellars to go to while the emergency lasts, and having seen some of the tornado documentaries this seem to be for a maximum of an hour.
Why don't Australian homes in the bush have firestorm cellars? Some peanut reported in the paper said cellars are not a good idea as the fire COULD, not always will, consume the oxygen and also smoke could harm people. The fire storms generally burn everything down in about 20 minutes and move on. I could almost hold my breath that long.
I expect that soon insurance companies will require fire cellars like the bomb shelters built during the cold war to save people who are too unaware or stupid or callous to do it for themselves.
Besides while we have been burning the northern hemisphere has been freezing and one of our local religious d*ckheads has said it's god's punishment for the Victorian's legalising prostitution and abortion.
Perhaps we could fire bomb the nutter churches.