Re: Animal, Vegetable or Mineral?
Posted by:
MistyCat (
Date: March 20, 2010 03:03PM
I'll consider it, since ES originated this game. However, since Section 1, Paragraph 1, Line 1, Sentence 1 of The Rules as stated by ES said, "May I propose a new round of twenty questions?" then I shall stick to the proposal and play 20 Questions rather than Animal, Vegetable or Mineral.
My memory of the game says that I may answer only Yes or No, with the variations "I don't know" and "I can't answer" being the only other permitted answers. Those last two would not raise the count of questions, I think.
Strictly speaking, my answer to "Question 0: Animal, vegetable, mineral or mixed up, hybrid, something else category." should be "Yes." :-)
02) A book? No.
01) Edible? No.