I don't have a hubpages account, but after a quick look, if you are thinking of using one to generate a little income, it doesn't
look like a scam. You make money from advertising and then spamming people to visit your article, increasing your hit rate and thus the site's advertising revenue.
Assuming that hubpages pay up (I have no knowledge whether they do or don't) and that you have the time to write the articles, the only cost of the small payouts would be that you, as a spammer, would be classified alongside traffic wardens, senior banking staff and U.K. M.P.s caught with their hands in public coffers.
There is a reasonable article
(word "
look" added, to make the sentence readable!)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/12/2010 03:51PM by SkidMarks.