If I count correctly, Jasper Fforde is now working (apart from raising a family, and if we include planning as a part of the work) on no less than seven new books.
I'm not sure however, so I open this thread hoping to find out about them.
The list in reverse order of age of the series:
1) TN6: One of Our Thursdays is Missing -
web page - appearing 21 February/8 March 2011
2) NC3: The Last Great Tortoise Race -
web page - appearing Spring 2012 - the series' final installment according to
this interview
3) SG2: Painting by Numbers - no web page -
"Likely dates for Shades of Grey II : Painting by Numbers will be 2014"
4) SG3: The Gordini Protocols - no further information
5) DS1: The Last Dragonslayer -
web page - to be published 4 November 2010
6-7) DS2 and DS3: middle and final installments of the Dragonslayer trilogy - no further information (DS2 might fill the 2013 gap)
+) A near dozen of titles have been mentioned for future members of the TN series; but, though brilliantly intriguing in themselves, I doubt whether the TN concept can sustain so many further full-blown novels. I wouldn't be suprised if Jasper would come up with a short story collection, though.
The Great Samuel Pepys Fiasco
The War of the Words
Last Amoung Prequels
Apocalypse Next
Dark Reading Matter
Paragraph Lost
Herrings Red
The Palimpsest of Dr Caligari
The Legion of Danvers
Some Other Title Entirely
Short stories already published:
The man with No Face = We Are All Alike [not in series]
The Locked Room Mystery mystery [Nursery Crime]
Heavy Weather [Thurday Next]
[edited to update expected publication dates en improve links]
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/06/2010 12:02PM by delacuesta.