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OB You've confused the Prophets with pomme-frites. Actually I sent the prophets home with some pomme-frites and kept the profits for necessary and unnegotiable expenses.
<Gosh, I wish they hadn't cancelled Dirk Gently...>
Wow, can we really send MC all the way to Seattle just for some chips? It's April already and panto season will be creeping up on us again before we know it, can we really spare the time? Couldn't we just order some pizza?
Yep. Rosy maidens dancing on the village green talking about who is going to marry the handsome prince in the village CASTLE!*?! And the along come Skiddy and Egon "Comedy Duos a Speciality" Inc.
An answer to your PM Skids... of course I meant rambling Syd rumpo, but being a lady and always busy and in a hurry to get to my next task which at the moment in question was ironing pies for tea I did not check what I had wroted.
( also tried to send you a PM in reply but got really bogged down and then sidetracked by the intricasies of the operation and failed miserably)
O.K. everybody - now we've had our chips perhpas we could all just seattle down and concentrate.
Bunyip, you were distinctly told you could have the role of village idiot, you seem to have misunderstood. Still that's the trouble with type casting, perhaps we should try Skype?
Which reminds me - this year's panto will have a live pod cast. I ordered a ton of plaster of Paris, well in advance, so no room forerror there then.