Stuff I want you to like.
This is my niece Rainy McMaster and her friend Geva Downey performing (as Haunted Love [] ) their first hit video "Librarian", from about six years ago.
I like it. You might too.
Is it as good as my avuncular-biased opinion truly believes? Is all their stuff (Rainy's voice in particular) as unique as I feel it is?
Answers on an engraved 16 oz gold brick to... oh, Moe's tavern.
Add a reference to any music you like and with which you have a family association to this thread. Or not. Do something else if you want. Have a drink. Play with a yo-yo. I just did, after a ... 50 year break. I'm still bloody brilliant at it. I made an eight year old jealous. Watch it. You might need these little victories yourself one day, when you're as
old experienced as I am.