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My local library has only three Glen Cook books, from "Instrumentalities of the night."
I may try one next time I go there.
I'm currently re-reading vast amounts of Pratchett and Alastair Reynolds, and my current book is "And another thing," part 6 of 3 from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Artemis Fowl author Eoin Colfer.
No, I think I only got into it by importing an omnibus. It seems to be worthwhile though. Books two and three are somehow enthralling in a fantasy detective noir way.
My favourite Keith Roberts was 'Kitemaster' (Kiteworld? I forget. It was a long time ago.)
I remember 'Chalk Giants' and 'Grain Kings' but nothing else comes to mind.
I'm currently re-reading lots of my old favourite SF books. Last was 'Asimov's Mysteries'. Now I'm older, the solutions seem much less clever than on first reading.
SPOILER! (Not really)
Least believable was someone spending FOUR HOURS looking through a library book for a vital slip of paper, but not looking in the card pocket.
You young whippersnappers who don't know what a library book card pocket is can just... can just... Get off my lawn! And stop snapping those whips!
ES nice to know that someone else is dragging the chain as well. I'm half-way through TWWDAL, enjoying every minute of it. I thought that OOOTIM was good but the spark wasn't quite there for me. Looking forward to Quarkbeast.
I just dived into Quarkbeast over lunch and it's a lot of fun! Some of the Thursday books are setup/bridges for the others and it's just a case of knowing which are which. It doesn't mean that any of them are bad though! (Awaits lynching.)
TWWDAL is quite excellent. I'm two thirds into it and it's definitely a story and not setup for the story to come in the following book. It has also reversed some of the debatable things in FAS. <grins>
"The Long Earth" seemed to me to have a LOT more Baxter than Pratchett in it. I had much trouble with my normally easy "suspension of disbelief" with this book, but I still want to read "The Long War."
Still haven't read TWWDAL.
Just discovered David Brin, with "Existence." Enjoyed it immensely. Must read his two trilogies.
I strongly recommend TWWDAL. (I suppose that is no surprise on this Fforum!) I think that my problem with "The Long Earth" was the same as MC's: it felt like too much Baxter, not enough Pratchett. I also want to read "The Long War", which is why I am going to try again.
According to a radio interview with the pair of them, they have signed to do another 3.