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A rêver
Pronunciation: / ʀeve /
Translation of rêver in English:
verbe transitif
(en dormant)
to dreamque that
to dream of (succès, vengeance)
tu as dû le rêver!
you must have dreamed it!
B be -> exist, are.
C ration -> ra·tion (răsh′ən, rā′shən)
1. A fixed portion, especially an amount of food allotted to persons in military service or to civilians in times of scarcity.
2. rations Food issued or available to members of a group.
contrived: to deceive, trick, swindle, defraud or otherwise lie to a trived. Usually done out of malice because the trived said something unpleasant about your mother.
Trumpery: The art of telling people how a new golf course will be good for them when they aren't allowed in, while simultaneously trying to buy their homes at half the going market rate.
Toupee: Too pee: it is obviously to go and relieve the inner stress caused by an excessive consumption of hazelnuts by coating the head with coconut fibre and thinking kind thoughts of malignantly minded sloth (two toed variety).
lintel: refers to activity concerning the end of the umbilical cord- if you have a bit of fluff in your life then eventually you will find the lintel get into your belly button.