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String! Oh, that brings back memories of my first job; going round all the farmers in the district buying their second-hand fence-post holes. I used to slice them up on the bacon-slicer, tie string around the slices and sell them to the local fishermen for nets. I got really good at pulling them straight out of the ground, but every once in a while I'd bend one and have to grind it up to sell as yacht fuel. Ah, string.
Oh, can I define string? Well, after being covered with little bits of tangled string for most of my life I'll have to say that I'm a frayed knot.
Define: nostalgia
Edited to shout at some kids on my lawn.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/30/2013 01:27PM by MistyCat.
Nostalgia...a medical name for an attack of catarrh in the brain which allows nice memories to float upwards. usually affects people of advancing years. There is no known cure!
ebook: an abomination, a disaster, an insult to paper, a convenient means of taking dozens or even hundreds of books on holiday, an invaluable way of transporting technical manuals
[i](Yes, as well as our library, we have a couple of Kindles and apps on laptops.)[/]
Something which one passes fairly easily but which politicians pass only after being paid massive salaries and given overseas travel and motza superannuation entitlements.
Fleckle: Two people trying to emulate the collision of a black hole with a cement mixer. Very hard on the shins and ultimately pointless (except for the singularity)
Define: pointless
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/06/2014 09:05AM by bunyip.