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Current Competition - ends September 20th 2011
The Dragonslayer Paperback Competition Open to: Hodder territories For other competitions, go to my Competition Page ![]() The new paperback edition of The Last Dragonslayer This is the paperback edition of The Last Dragonslayer and is published on the 15th September. Through long tradition and at my publisher's insistence it behoves upon me to offer you some links: Amazon or Waterstone's. Okay, now I have ten copies to give away (five A format and five B format), and all of which will be signed and dedicated to whoever or whatever you want, along with a couple of postcards. All you have to do is to photograph something that rhymes with 'Last', 'Dragon' or 'Slayer'. It doesn't have to rhyme precisely, of course, but close enough. I'll be giving away one book a day starting on the 10th, awarded to whoever sends in the best picture. Not necessarily that day, but at some point. Or something. It'll all work out, I'm sure. Open to all ages. As usual, extra marks will be granted for originality, wit and flair. Competition begins on the 10th September and ends on the 30th September. Good luck! ![]() The Tokyo Tower TC Mast (9th Sept 2011) The second winning submission (and free book) goes to Madeline Fairhall-Wald on the 11th Sept: ![]() This photo of a summer's day in Melbourne is greyer than what is usual. The third winning submission (and free book) goes to Holger on the 12th Sept: ![]() "last dragon slayer" might rhyme with "passed cabin portrayer" The fourth winning submission (and free book) goes to Emma Cummings on the 13th Sept: ![]() Blast rhymes with Last. Fireworks at the Edinburgh Tattoo. The fifth winning submission (and free book) goes to J. Mathew on the 14th Sept: ![]() Here is a picture of a Past Wagon, (rust) Layer, hope you like it. The sixth winning submission (and free book) goes to Grace Lu on the 15th Sept: ![]() This is, in case you missed it, is Amassed Squab in Layers The seventh winning submission (and free book) goes to Deborah Sneddon on the 16th Sept: ![]() I took this picture when I was on holiday with my family in Boulder, Arizona. Here is my rhyme: Aghast (at the) bovine portrayer. The eighth winning submission (and free book) goes to Kate Wilson on the 17th Sept: ![]() The Masked Pagan Player - Photo Taken 2010 Singapore Botanical Gardens, Sydney Australia. The ninth winning submission (and free book) goes to Johara M. on the 18th Sept: ![]() A gossipy man in in a line in front of me. He was quite a thicknecked earsayer (hearsay, anyone? *chortles at own joke*), if I say so myself.. The tenth winning submission (and free book) goes to Amanda Russell on the 19th Sept: ![]() Do enjoy my photo of a crashed flagon conveyor The eleventh winning submission (and free book) goes to Sara Pugh on the 20th Sept: ![]() I'm not great with words (numbers are more my thing as I'm a maths teacher!) but I thought of vast flagon prayer. And don't remind me that there's no such thing as a prayer in that form - i just hoped you'd think of it as creative licence... The twelth winning submission (and free book) goes to Gemma Cooper on the 21st Sept: ![]() Passed prayer Photo is grave of Rev. William Howorth 1800-1876. The former rector at my local church in Suffolk. RIP. So looking forward to release of Dragonslayer 2 as I have total Quarkbeast love. I'm thinking of getting one myself - I'm assuming they're advertised with the kittens and puppies on the notice board in the vets? (They are indeed) - Gemma ..and that concludes this competition. Many thanks to everyone who submitted pictures, except Julian of NSW, who ought to know better. Jasper Fforde, September 2011 THESE WERE THE RULES: Prize is a Hodder Paperback copy of The Last Dragonslayer, either A format or B format (The A is the diddy one) and signed - to you, if you want. There are no runner-up prizes unless I decide there are. Your pictures may be selected to be viewed on my website, and it is a condition of entry that you are happy for this to be done. Competition is open to everyone in Hodder (UK) territories. All entries emailed JPEGS, please. No emails will be harvested by me or my publishers. This competition is run by me, and is not a Hodder promotion. Winners will be announced as soon as I have some, but not until the 10th September 2011. The competition organiser reserves the right to bend or change the rules however I see fit if I think it will make the competition better or more fun. ... and add rules after the competition has begun. Like now. Or now. Judges (me) decision is final. |