
2009 Winner: Megan

We thought we would give this year's award to someone who took their life in their own hands and risked the combined wrath of millions of enraged Potterites. There was a near riot at the last Tolkein Convention when it was mooted that one of the eagles could have taken the ring direct to Mount Doom and saved everyone a whole lot of trouble.

Anyway, Megan certainly deserves this award for her outrageous behaviour, so many congratulations.

And here is her modest acceptance speech:

"...I'm so very grateful for this award, but not, perhaps, as grateful as I am that no one was around to see me after I found out I'd won it. Somehow I feel that my shouting, "O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!" while doing an ungainly jig around my room is something best left unwitnessed...

I'd like to thank everyone who pretended to be excited about this win, especially Cynthia (and her cat) for being my partners in crime in this undertaking, and Taylor for managing to take the photo without running away in terror...what a brave soul.

Also thanks, of course, to Mr. Fforde. Your books have granted me hours of respite from things I probably should have been doing but didn't want to quite yet. Thank you also for this award..."


Megan at a Harry Potter Convention

Megan taking her life in her own hands...

Dear Mr. Fforde,

I had always heard it said that fans of fantastical literature often become gravely protective of their series of choice. Indeed, my older brother was once nearly mauled on the streets when the sidewalk on which he was innocently walking suddenly became the site of a vicious Lord of the Rings brawl.

It would seem that ardent devotion for one's preferred literary fare can at times turn harmless bookworms into mad killing machines, and so it was that I risked life and limb to take this photo that you see here today.

That is me in the middle reading a well-worn copy of Lost in a Good Book while surrounded by devout Harry Potter fans on the eve of the sixth movie's premiere. It took all my courage to keep that sign raised, for the Hermione and Hedwig enthusiasts on either side were treating me with all the politeness of rival shoppers at a Swindon Booktastic closing-down sale.

I should probably take this moment to assure you that I was not harmed in any way during the taking of this photo. Although the Potter buffs were not happy with my open support of the Fforde Ffandom, the most they did was scream at me to walk my insultingly Muggle self right out of there. Whatever that means...

With Sincere Regard,


Submitted: 16th July 02009