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Ffordian Pets
Readers are invited to submit pictures of pets with Ffordian inspired animal names. Send to jasper(at) jasperfforde.com. |
![]() The Three Chickens "I collected these ex-battery chickens from the British Hen Welfare Trust yesterday. Their names are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - not entirely sure which is which yet! ..." Sue Munro, UK (May 2011) |
![]() Pickwick the Silky |
![]() Thursday the Bun "My name is Minnie and I just have to say that I absolutely love your books. I have attached photos of my pet dwarf lop-eared rabbit called Thursday and my family's pet silky chicken called Pickwick for your pets page..." Minnie, aged 12, Australia (May 2011) |
![]() Two ears and a paw "..I have two cats, both named for your books. The first is Pickwick, who prefers her full title- The Imperial Princess Pickwick of the House of Fang and Claw. She's a beautiful, but rather silly cat. Several years after Pickwick came to live with me another cat moved in. I opened my door one day and she came zipping through the door to stay. I had a terrible time naming her, nothing seemed to stick. Eventually she ended up being named Alan, which seems to have stuck. It does however cause many people consternation that I named my female cat Alan. I will admit that I truly value people who are clever enough to know why my pets are named Pickwick and Alan. The picture is of Pickwick showing off her shockingly bad taste in literature..." Jordan Gilbert (March 2011) |
![]() Pickwick the mouse "..Pickwick is a bit of a nuisance. She is a bit of a bully to her sister and has even grown a bald spot as she grows older. She is also quite particular on what foodstuffs are given to her (she seems to rather go hungry then eat underrated cuisine. I can always buy her off with a nice piece of corn on the cob though.)..." Meridith Hans (March 2011) |
![]() Warrington the cat "..I've attached a photo of my cat, Warrington, named after the Cheshire Cat. He was a stray in our neighborhood that we saved from bad weather and has since become my best friend. His favorite thing to do is snuggle up against me while I'm reading. Usually he's very good-tempered, but always lets me know if I don't put my books back where they belong..." Nicole (April 2011) |
![]() Pickwick the cagebird "...Hi Jasper. Attached is an image of our Ffordian named pet, Pickwick. We rescued Pickers, as we call him, from his mean, pecky parents when he was only a few weeks old. He had had all of his feathers picked from his head and neck when we got him. As a victim of feather picking, there really wasn't much choice in the matter as to what we should name him. Pickwick it was! We also weren't sure if he was a boy or girl, so Pickwick worked even better. We are now quite certain Pickers is a male for numerous reasons. We are yet to get a surprise egg. Regards, Ellen..." (April 2011) |
![]() Thursday the dog "...I attach a photo of my Griffon Bruxellois, Fleetgold Thursday Next, who is seven today, 7/2/2011. I registered her with the Kennel Club with that name because of your books and she is known as Thursday, occasionally shortened to Thursy. I am usually asked if she was born on a Thursday but always explain where the name comes from..." Joan Goldin (Feb 2011) |
![]() Thursday Next the cat "...I have a 5 month old kitten named Thursday Next. Two nights ago, I wandered into my study and saw something I had to take a photo of; it was just too perfect. This is not a posed picture. Beyond that, Thursday loves books in general, and is always snuggling up to and sitting on them instead of me. I guess I named her well! Sorry it's not a great shot, I was rushing and took it with my camera phone in about 5 seconds, terrified she would move or jump down and I would have missed my opportunity. Ashton Phillips..." (Feb 2011) |
![]() A Fish named Pickwick "...Dear Mr. Fforde, Ive attached a (blurry) picture of my fish, Pickwick. As a college student, my pet choices were somewhat limited, and unfortunately, dodos were not allowed (silly bureaucracy). Therefore, I am a proud owner of an excellently behaved fish with frankly the most logical pet name I could think of. Sincerely, Kelly Holman..." (Feb 2011) |
![]() Shaxtper the cat "...I have attached pictures of Shaxtper (or Shaxy, as we have come to call him), my 3 yr old Himalayan cat. He's a big lazy boy who loves to take baths and sleeps in the bathroom sink! He's my own little Shakespeare clone :)..." Kelli Keeton (Feb 2011) |
![]() A dog named Tuesday Next
Jan 2011 2009:
I named my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Tuesday Next, and every time anyone asks me why, I tell them about your Thursday Next books. I have attached a picture of her. Sandy Harrison |
![]() Jasper the hamster Max is a reader of my books and also named his hamster after me as he (The hamster, not Max) has 'shades of grey'. This is him. (Jan 2011) |