All a bit of fun really. Click on a link to download something from Thursday's world 1: Mycroft Next's Entroposcope. (Courtesy of MycroTech Developments) In the second Thursday Next novel, Lost in a Good Book, eccentric inventor Mycroft gives Thursday an entroposcope. You too can own one of these simple devices which do little except tell you if the headlong rush to universal disorder is slowing down. Very useful. To download, click here: Home Entroposcope 2: 'Do not Disturb' door sign. The Finis Hotel (Abertawe) Although it is not featured, nor referred to in any way, there is a branch of the Finis hotel in Abertawe (Swansea), the free trade port of the Welsh Republic that Thursday visits. You need to download both files, 'Finis2.pict' and 'Finis1.pict' (Both 48K). Print both files then cut them out with scissors (get your mother to help you) and then stick them back to back with rubber solution glue (copydex). Finally, laminate them in plastic and hey presto, a worthless gimmick to impress your pet rabbit. To download, click here: Finis1.jpg and Finis2.jpg 3: The sign from the back of the door. The Finis Hotel (Swindon) This is the sign off the back of the door of the Finis Hotel room 8128 at Swindon. Given to me by Mrs Nakajima in 1987. It is in a single download 'doorfinis.jpg'. To download, click here: doorfinis.jpg 4: Desktop Wallpaper. For your computer or retinal 'screensaver'. Click HERE to have a look - 15 to choose from! 5: DIY Cover kit for UK Paperback 'First Among Sequels'. Some of you have expressed fear and surprise that the UK Thursday Next paperbacks are not available with the Mark Thomas 'Austen Rover' type cover that was on the hardback. This can be remedied in the comfort of your own home. Go to my How to fix your TN5 Paperback page for more details.. Back to Thursday Next Page |