New users: Please register in the usual way and then send an email to jasper(at) with your username, and write something 'Ffordesque' so we know you are a real reader, and not some idiot trying to flood the forum with dodgy Nike and Gucci gear. Thank you - Jasper
The Peregrine Falcon has a pair o' blue wings,
It's a bird-eating raptor, among other things.
389 K is its very top speed,
And it has a moustache. Which it doesn't need.
:-) Unless there's something wrong with my computer, definitions belong in the "define that word! immediately!" thread. This is the game goes ever on thread, whereby somebody puts down the first half of a well known (or not so well known) saying or jingle and the next person completes it with half another well known saying or jingle (or complete gibberish).
Thanks, Lymond. You were right first time, but I was distracted by the need to order some kids off my lawn.
Mr MistyCat the Elderly has now resumed taking his meds, seen the error of his ways, and is presently considering how to recover gracefully.
On the other hand, I've never been graceful.
CannibalRabbit, I've re-requested your definition in the correct place, which (as any idiot knows (Proof: I now know it)) is the "Define that Word" thread.
The memories of a man in his old age...
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/16/2013 01:43PM by MistyCat.
... carefully peeled from from the eggless egg & bacon pie, leaving some bacon which can then be placed on a bacon base, surrounded by bacon with a bacon topping decorated with bacon, drizzled with bacon and then served with bacon garnish. Bacon sprinkles optional.